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IV Therapy

We provide the latest in technology and our team of experts take pride in helping our patients with care.

IV Therapy delivers vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for rapid absorption.

Autoimmune Disorders

For patients with autoimmune disorders, IV therapy can provide targeted nutrients to support immune function and reduce inflammation. Key nutrients may include vitamin C, which acts as a potent antioxidant and modulates immune responses, and glutathione, which helps detoxify the body and reduce oxidative stress. IV therapy can also include other immune-supporting nutrients such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin D, tailored to each patient’s specific needs.

Cardiovascular Disease

IV Therapy ensures rapid absorption and bypasses the digestive system, making it an effective way to replenish vital nutrients and support cardiovascular health. For patients with CVD, IV therapy can provide antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione, which help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the arteries. It can also include nutrients like magnesium and potassium, which play key roles in maintaining heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Chronic Fatigue:

For chronic fatigue patients, IV therapy can replenish essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, magnesium, and vitamin C, which are often deficient in those with CFS. These nutrients help support energy production, reduce oxidative stress, and boost immune function, providing relief from fatigue and other symptoms.

Chronic Liver Disease

For CLD patients, IV therapy can replenish vital nutrients like glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects liver cells from damage and promotes detoxification. Additionally, vitamins such as B-complex and vitamin E support liver function and repair. IV therapy also includes amino acids like arginine and citrulline, which aid in liver regeneration and improve blood flow. By supplying these nutrients directly to the bloodstream, IV therapy helps improve liver function and reduce inflammation.

Gut Health:

IV therapy ensures that nutrients reach their target cells without degradation or loss, which can be particularly beneficial for those with compromised gut function.

Benefits Of IV Therapy For Gut Health

  • Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial for digestive health. IV therapy quickly restores hydration levels, which can help alleviate symptoms like constipation and improve overall gut function.
  • Nutrient Replenishment: Gut disorders often lead to nutrient malabsorption. IV therapy can deliver essential vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc, directly to the cells, bypassing gastrointestinal barriers.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: IV therapy can include antioxidants like glutathione and vitamin C, which reduce inflammation and oxide

Natural Skin Care:

IV Therapy delivers a blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, promoting overall health and skin rejuvenation from within. IV cocktails containing ingredients like vitamin C, glutathione, and collagen peptides help nourish the skin, boost collagen production, and reduce oxidative stress for a radiant complexion.

Dementia / Parkinsons

IV therapy can support brain health and function by delivering nutrients that may be deficient in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. For example, antioxidants such as vitamin C and glutathione can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, which are implicated in the progression of Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease.

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